Question 1: Which of the following defenses allows a person to use whatever force reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent the immediate unlawful imposition of harm to himself
a. insanity
b. intoxication
c. self-defense
d. all of the above
Question2: Which of the following is a legal device employed by courts to justify convicting someone who intends to harm one but, in fact, harms another?
a. Liability without fault
b. Limitations on Liability
c. Transferred Intent
d. Model Penal Code
Question 3: Which of the following is generally a necessary element of actus reus?
a. Insanity
b. Injury
c. Self-Defense
d. Voluntariness
Question 4: Which of the following is not a presumption or inference, as defined in your reading?
a. Permissive Presumption
b. Opinion Presumption
c. Conclusive Presumption
d. Mandatory Presumption