
Which of the following could be seen as a direct

Q1 Which of the following could be seen as a direct application of Krashen's SLA theory?

The Natural approach

Grammar Translation

Presentation Practice Production

The Lexical approach

Q2 Part of Krashen's SLA theory relates to the idea of Scaffolding, which of the following is a very similar idea to this?

The Critical Period Hypothesis

The L1 = L2 Hypothesis

Universal grammar

Vygotsky's zone of proximal development

Q3 One of the main criticisms of Krashen's SLA theory is that:

It is far too complicated.

It has not been scientifically proven.

It is too similar to earlier theoretical works.

It cannot be translated into a practical method.

Q4 Which of the following was NOT a reason for Krashen to say that we SHOULD teach grammar?

Without grammar we cannot acquire the language.

We need grammar for linguistics.

We need grammar for editing.

Grammar follows on naturally from reading.

Q5 Which of the following was NOT a reason for Krashen to say that we SHOULD teach grammar?

Without grammar we cannot acquire the language.

We need grammar for linguistics.

We need grammar for editing.

Grammar follows on naturally from reading.

Q6Which of the following is generally NOT an example of an effect on the affective filter?

A resistance to learning.

The time of the lesson.

Finding the content boring.

A fear of failure.

Q7Which of Krashen's hypotheses most closely matches Chomsky's Language Acquisition Device (LAD)?

The Monitor Hypothesis

The Affective Filter Hypothesis

The Natural Order Hypothesis

The Input Hypothesis

Q8 One of the answers to the question below is incorrect; which one?

Do the Critical Period Hypothesis and Krashen's Input hypothesis completely support each other?

No, not according to Krashen, though there are some common features.

No, current theory suggests there may be more variables than so far suggested.

No, many theorists believe neither has been well enough defined to decide.

Yes there is a very good agreement between the two ideas.

Q9 Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis, according to Krashen?

Acquisition should not take priority over learning.

Acquisition leads to fluency in the language.

Acquisition and Learning are equally important.

Learning should not take priority over acquisition.

Q 10 Krashen has potentially added a sixth dimension to his 5-hypothesis monitor model, this new dimension is based around.





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