
Which of the following circumstances makes it less likely

Multiple Choice Questions 

1. Which of the following statements about written contracts is false? 

A. The law favors written contracts over oral contracts.

B. A statement on a job application blank could be construed as a written contract.

C. Written statements in employee handbooks that are unintended as contracts cannot be construed as contracts.

D. Internal job posting notices can be construed as written job contracts. 

2. Which of the following circumstances makes it less likely an oral statement about weekend work would be legally enforceable as a contract term? 

A. The statement was made in the workplace.

B. The statement is not supported by a written policy.

C. The statement was made by an organizational manager.

D. The statement was a specific one. 

3. Which of the following statements about disclaimers is false? 

A. They can appear in almost any written documents made available to job applicants or employees.

B. They can be used to limit employee rights.

C. They are never oral.

D. Their receipt by employees should be acknowledged in some formal way.

4. In order to improve the chances of winning a law suit based on "promissory estoppel," the most important point the plaintiff must demonstrate is that ____. 

A. the promise was accurate

B. the promise was made in good faith

C. the defendant reneged on the promise

D. the promise was withdrawn, resulting in a detrimental effect

5. Which of the following is likely to be a contingency related to a job offer? 

A. satisfactory reference checks

B. job salary

C. job benefits

D. job vacation privileges 

6. Which of the following is not a choice involved in a strategic approach to job offers? 

A. determining a compelling offer the finalists will find difficult to turn down

B. deciding which short and long term pressures to respond to in an offer

C. deciding on specific pay levels that will apply to all individuals

D. determine whether there will be a "standard offer" for all finalists or whether "enhanced offers" will be possible for some finalists 

7. A _____ contract provides certainty to both the new hire and the organization regarding the length of the employment relationship. 

A. variable premium

B. fixed annuity

C. fixed-term

D. latent variable

8. In using information about competitors to structure job offers, which of the following statements is not useful as a general guideline? 

A. It makes a difference who the competitors are.

B. Competitive offers should always be matched to ensure acceptance.

C. Analysis of competitive advertisements should be performed in order to have the "market information" needed to prepare effective job offers.

D. Trade associations should be consulted for competitive information whenever possible. 

9. The most sensible approach for addressing the issue of applicant truthfulness would be to ________. 

A. receive applicant information in good faith since the majority of applicants will be honest and it is not fair to inconvenience everyone with more verification because of a few "bad apples"

B. treat applicants with trust and they will respond with honesty in most cases

C. have applicants provide independent, third-party documentation of all job information provided on application blanks

D. verify the applicant information provided that is deemed most vital

10. The most commonly negotiated element of a job offer is ___. 

A. severance packages

B. educational assistance

C. salary

D. paid time off 

11. As a general rule concerning job offers, it can be said that __________. 

A. "low ball" job offers are expensive to the organization

B. "competitive" job offers have no important drawbacks

C. "competitive" job offers tend to leave room to negotiate

D. "competitive" offers usually stimulate the most positive reactions on the part of offer recipients 

12. The sales approach to presenting a job offer has been adopted by many organizations because ________. 

A. mechanical presentations of job offers have been proven not to work

B. they apply to all situations

C. they cost less than mechanical presentations

D. they may increase the likelihood of bringing job offers to closure

13. Most rejection messages sent to applicants are _________. 

A. specific in terms of the reason for the rejection

B. not conveyed by formal means

C. vague in content

D. designed carefully to "soften the blow" of the rejection

14. Which of the following statements about reneging on job offers is false? 

A. reneging is often caused by sudden changes in circumstances, such as a change in health status

B. there are substantial legal concerns about reneging

C. most employers feel the level of reneging has increased dramatically in recent years

D. solid evidence on reneging and why it occurs is lacking

15. Effective orientation training should include __________. 

A. sources of influence in the organization

B. integrating the newcomer into the work unit and team

C. conducting active mentoring for the newcomer

D. all of the above 

16. What is the relationship between orientation and socialization activities? 

A. Orientation covers job content, socialization covers social content.

B. Orientation is usually a small group activity, socialization is one on one.

C. Orientation is typically an immediate activity for new hires, which overlaps with more long-term socialization.

D. Orientation is formal, socialization is informal. 

17. The goal(s) of the socialization process is(are) ___________. 

A. to achieve an effective person/job match

B. to achieve an effective person/organization match

C. to help the newcomer fit into the job in the long-term

D. all of the above are true 

18. From the newcomer's perspective, likely components for inclusion in the socialization process include addressing _________. 

A. performance proficiency

B. organization goals and values

C. politics

D. all of the above are correct 

19. Research has shown that ____ facilitates employee socialization to a new job. 

A. clarifying job requirements and knowledge and skills to be acquired

B. minimizing biasing contact from current co-workers

C. providing a highly positive recruitment message regarding job requirements at rewards

D. all of the above

20. The delivery of newcomer socialization should be the responsibility of __________. 

A. his/her supervisor

B. a mentor or sponsor

C. the HR department

D. all of the above

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HR Management: Which of the following circumstances makes it less likely
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