
Which of the following chromosomal pairs shows that an

1. Photographs are an important source of data because they:

a. accurately capture cultural belief systems.

b. capture unique events and behavior that can be used as analytical tools.

c. allow the anthropologist to capture images during forbidden rituals.

d. prevent ethical issues from becoming a problem for the researcher.

2. The Ju/'hoansi are best described as a band because:

a. leadership is inherited.

b. they have an egalitarian social structure.

c. leaders require gifts from the community.

d. the leader is called a Big Man.

3. A bifurcate kinship system is one where:

a. all cousins are called by the same term.

b. each member of a kin group is called by a different term.

c. Ego labels father's side of the kin group differently than mother's side.

d. Ego calls two different generations by different terms.

4. The "honeymoon" phase in anthropological fieldwork can be described as a:

a. period of the inhabitants accommodating the fieldworker.

b. time of relaxation within the culture being studied.

c. period of intense culture shock.

d. period of excitement after years of training.

5. Theoretical models in anthropology are:

a. models of ideal culture.

b. devices for explaining and understanding cultures.

c. approaches to fieldwork that uncovers actual cultural behavior.

d. modes of analysis that cannot be proven.

6. If your informant describes how her peers treat her differently because her father is an important film star, this is termed her

__________ status.

a. earned

b. achieved

c. ascribed

d. ancillary

7. Rank societies are those where individuals gain prestige and wealth by using:

a. coercive power.

b. persuasive power.

c. coercive authority.

d. simple authority.

8. Agriculturally based societies are primarily associated with which of the following economic institution(s)?

a. Generalized reciprocity

b. Market exchange

c. Redistribution and market exchange

d. Negative reciprocity and market exchange

9. An anthropologist that includes his or her thoughts about what he or she sees as well as quotations from his or her informants is presenting what type of ethnography?

a. Reactive

b. Reflexive

c. Classical

d. Objective

10. Anthropological interest in sexuality can be traced back to which of the following anthropologists?

a. Majorie Shostak

b. Regina Smith Oboler

c. Margaret Mead

d. Bronislaw Malinowsk

11. Which of the following chromosomal pairs shows that an individual is male?
a. XX
b. XY
c. XXY
d. YY

12. A key informant is selected using a:
a. judgment sample.
b. random sample.
c. stratified random sample.
d. random stratified sample.

13. Which of the following situations is considered a suitable fieldwork setting for an anthropologist?
a. Business office
b. Research laboratory
c. Tribal village
d. All of the choices apply.

14. The most common kinship system in North America today consists of __________ descent groups known as __________.
a. ambilineal; phratries
b. unilateral; clans
c. bilateral; moieties
d. bilateral; kindreds

15. Members of the Yurok, Karuk, Hupa, and Tolowa use valued items such as obsidian blades, white deer skins, and elaborately carved paddles and spoons to:
a. give away as gifts.
b. reinforce social position.
c. trade with other Native American groups.
d. appease their spirits.

16. The production maximization model of intensive agriculture strives to maximize production through:
a. maintaining crop genetic diversity.
b. growing folk varieties of crops.
c. maintaining soil fertility without chemical fertilizers.
d. growing genetically engineered varieties and using chemical fertilizers.

17. Forensic anthropologists apply their knowledge to legal issues by studying what materials?
a. Hair samples recovered from crime victim clothing
b. Blood splatter patterns at a crime scene
c. Bullets and bullet casings at a crime scene
d. Skeletal remains at an airplane crash site

18. The Zuni recognize the berdache gender person as being:
a. neither man nor woman.
b. a woman who cross-dresses.
c. part man and part woman.
d. a man who wears woman's clothes.

19. The Zuni recognize the berdache gender person as being:
a. neither man nor woman.
b. a woman who cross-dresses.
c. part man and part woman.
d. a man who wears woman's clothes.

20. Initial attempts by AID to bring about reforestation in Haiti failed because:
a. an unsuitable species of tree was to be planted.
b. the peasants lacked appropriate equipment for irrigation.
c. peasants perceived that they would lose title to their land.
d. peasants perceived that the state would profit at their expense.

21. What type of evidence is used to analyze the evolutionary model of human cultural adaptations?
a. Ethnographical and ethnological data
b. Historical and descriptive linguistic data
c. Optimal foraging data
d. Carrying capacity data

22. The four fields of anthropology are:
a. biological anthropology, paleoanthropology, cultural anthropology, and prehistoric archaeology.
b. paleoanthropology, primatology, forensics, cultural anthropology, and prehistoric archaeology.
c. biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics.
d. archaeology, ethnography, ethnology, and cultural anthropology.

23. The description of a single society based on fieldwork is called a(n):
a. ethnography.
b. ethnology.
c. comparative analysis.
d. cultural anthropology.

24. A societal type common in foraging groups and marked by egalitarian social structure and lack of specialization is a:
a. band.
b. tribe.
c. chiefdom.
d. state.

25. Among the New Zealand Maori, facial tattoos communicated all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. personal name.
b. personal history.
c. clan membership.
d. social rank.

26. The advantages of polygyny across cultures include all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. more wives means more sexual variety and access.
b. having more than one wife is a mark of prestige for both husband and wife.
c. more wives means more children, and more children brings status.
d. more wives means more workers, which means more wealth.

27. Every aspect of culture influences every other aspect of that culture. Thus culture is:
a. functionally integrated.
b. dynamic and flexible.
c. adaptive and diverse.
d. learned and shared.

28. An informant tells a fieldworker that the preferred marriage custom in his culture is for a man to marry his mother's brother's daughter. The fieldworker would label this as an example of what type of marriage?
a. Lineage double descent
b. Parallel cousin
c. Cross-cousin
d. Clan

29. Sex play and experimentation are common among young children of the:
a. Trobrianders and the Ju/'hoansi.
b. Nandi and the East Bay people.
c. Zuni and the Mbuti pygmies.
d. Mbuti pygmies and the Mae Enga.

30. Corporate culture qualifies as a culture in anthropological terms because:
a. employees share the same work location.
b. employees view themselves as part of a stratified system.
c. patterns of behavior within the corporation are learned.
d. patterns of leadership are the same in corporations.

31. Foragers are organized into groups called:
a. bands.
b. tribes.
c. chiefdoms.
d. hunter-gatherers.

32. Goals of research in cultural anthropology include:
a. explaining cultural ecology.
b. describing the origin and spread of human religions.
c. describing and explaining human geographic distribution.
d. describing cultural similarities and differences.

33. Anthropology is unique as a discipline because it:
a. is holistic in its approach.
b. uses statistical methods.
c. collects data in the field.
d. uses the scientific method.

34. Which foraging group relies most heavily on the gathering of wild plant foods?
a. Haida, North America
b. Mbuti, Africa
c. Caribou Inuit, North America
d. Dobe Ju/'hoansi, Africa

35. The ideological domination by one cultural group over another through institutions, bureaucracy, education, and sometimes force is termed:
a. colonialism.
b. hegemony.
c. imperialism.
d. globalization.

36. Ford and Beach's cross-cultural study of homosexuality found that it was socially accepted as "normal" in what percentage of societies?
a. About 20 percent
b. About 30 percent
c. About 40 percent
d. About 60 percent

37. What common type of kinship organization found in large food producing societies and seems to function in the same way as clans and phratries?
a. Patrilineages
b. Segmentary lineages
c. Sodalities
d. Moieties

38. Members of the soccer team on a college campus would constitute a:
a. culture.
b. subculture.
c. micro-culture.
d. mini-culture.

39. Which form of marriage found in Melanesia and elsewhere potentially gives a man the most political status?
a. Polyandry
b. Polygyny
c. Monogamy
d. Group marriage

40. The 5,300 year-old man found frozen in a glacier had which the following body art?
a. Scarification on his back
b. Tattoos on back, wrist, and ankle
c. Pierced ear with a bone plug
d. Tattoos on his face and a flattened head

41. A society is called "egalitarian" when its members have equal access to:
a. status, wealth, and power within the same age group.
b. status and wealth.
c. status and power within the same kin group.
d. the same status through balanced reciprocity.

42. The word technology, as used by anthropologists, refers to:
a. how machines affect human evolution.
b. the tools, knowledge, and skills used by humans.
c. the mechanical skills acquired through enculturation.
d. the cars, computers, and machines used by humans.

43. Investigations by medical anthropologists of "susto" showed that people with "susto" had:
a. fewer biological diseases than a control group.
b. more psychological ills than a control a group.
c. fewer psychological ills than a control group.
d. more biological diseases than a control group.

44. The hijras of India are:
a. men who dress like women and behave like women.
b. emasculated men who take feminine names.
c. men who behave as women in all ways.
d. gay men.

45. Gender refers to the:
a. ability of an individual to produce sperm or egg.
b. biological designation of male and female.
c. sex of the individual.
d. assigned role of an individual within a society.

46. The oldest musical instruments found in the archaeological record are:
a. flutes.
b. drums.
c. cymbals.
d. maracas.

47. This common type of kinship organization found in large food producing societies that seems to function in the same way as clans and phratries are:
a. patrilineages.
b. segmentary lineages.
c. sodalities.
d. moieties.

48. The AAA Code of Ethics holds that an anthropologist's primary ethical responsibility is toward the:
a. discipline of anthropology.
b. institution that provided funding.
c. colleagues who work on the project.
d. people with whom they work.

49. The aboriginal Washo had leaders who:
a. were elders of the senior clan.
b. had special knowledge and skills.
c. had inherited the role of leader.
d. were elected by the group.

50. An industrial society's police force is an example of the legitimate use of:
a. power.
b. political sanctions.
c. wealth.
d. authority.

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Biology: Which of the following chromosomal pairs shows that an
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For the following objective based questions, pick up the most right one by depicting the reasons to validate your response. Q1. Rank societies are such where individuals gain prestige and wealth by employing: a) Coercive authority b) Persuasive power c) Coercive power d) Simple authority Q2. Agriculturally based societies are mainly related with which of the given economic institution(s)? a) Redistribution and market exchange b) Market exchange c) Generalized reciprocity d) Negative reciprocity and market exchange Q3. The anthropologist who comprises his or her thoughts regarding what he or she sees and also quotations from his or her informants is presenting what kind of ethnography? a) Classical b) Reflexive c) Reactive d) Objective Q4. Anthropological interest in the sexuality can be traced back to which of the given anthropologists? a) Margaret Mead b) Regina Smith Oboler c) Majorie Shostak d) Bronislaw Malinowsk