Question: How did the National Assembly respond to growing peasant unrest in the countryside in the summer of 1789?
A) Noble deputies offered to give up their traditional rights and privileges, which allowed the National Assembly to declare that the “feudal regime” had ended
B) They organized National Guard units to suppress the peasant uprisings and restore order so that they could go back to the work of building a government
C) They organized a system to send emergency supplies of food to regions hit by the massive food shortages in an attempt to appease peasant grievances
D) They instituted a national draft to bring peasants under the control of the military and utilize their energy for the good of the nation
Question: Nineteenth-century poets and writers who collected old legends and folktales that expressed a shared cultural and linguistic heritage stretching back to the Middle Ages embraced what ideology?
A) Utopian socialism
B) Romantic nationalism
C) Conservatism
D) Liberalism
Question: Which of the following characterized Napoleon's approach to war?
A) The desire to cut his opponents off from their supplies and defeat them without a major battle
B) A focus on shipbuilding and naval warfare, to take advantage of France's extensive coastline
C) The ability to train, inspire, and support brilliant generals to support his campaigns
D) The careful study of military strategy and an instinct for sudden, overwhelming attacks
Question: In an attempt to appease the devout rural populace, how did the Committee of Public Safety institute an alternative to its campaign of de-Christianization?
A) It replaced the secular Cult of Reason with the deistic Cult of the Supreme Being
B) It arrested the campaign's most radical leaders as a show of solidarity with devout Catholics
C) It reinstated many of the clerics who had refused to take the oath of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, declaring “silent acquiescence” an acceptable alternative
D) It issued ordinances returning a good deal of church property to local parishes.