1. Which of the following characteristics makes it EASIER to measure the quality of a service, relative to that of a product or facilitating good?
Service portions are abstract, rather than concrete
Service portions are transient, rather than permanent
Service portions are psychological, rather than physical
None of the above characteristics make it easier to measure service quality
2. Which of the following is NOT a step in constructing control charts?
Means and ranges for the samples must be calculated
Graphing sample means and ranges chronologically
Deriving the means by the ranges previously calculated
Initial samples of the process to be monitored need to be taken
3. With respect to strategy maps and balanced scorecards, which of the following is FALSE?
Both address four perspectives: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growing perspectives
Strategy maps represent an easier way to develop a balanced scorecard
Employees’ understanding of strategy interactions is enhanced through their use
Both serve to monitor the cause-and-effect relationships identified through the development of a balanced scorecard