
Which of the following characteristics apply to

1. Which of the following characteristics apply to Judaism?

It is a representative of the third model, transcendence.

It is unoriginal borrowed heavily from the environment from which it emerged.

It is an Abrahamic religion.

It is an historical religion because it claims its major truths are based upon God's acts in history.

2. Judaism would be considered a representative of the Third Model (Transcendence) because it claims that a God exists (and that the universe/you are not God) and that He is intensely interested in morality.



3. God promised to bless specifically Abraham and his what?

his country

his possessions

his ancestors seed

4. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions. Which of the following statements of the religions are true?

Judaism claims that God promised to bless Abraham and those who descended from Isaac his son.

Islam claims that God promised to bless Abraham and those descended from Ishmael his son,especially those who adhere to the revelations given to Muhammed who descended from Ishmael..

Christianity claims that God promised to bless Abraham and Jesus.

Islam claims that God promised to bless Abraham and those descended from Isaac his son. 10 points

5. What is the major piece of evidence (stated in the textbook) which supports the Jews' claim that they are God's chosen people?

Path: pWords:0 10 points

6. Which of the following are challenges Judaism has to respond to?

The historical challenge The ethical challenge The challenge that the Jews have suffered so much in their history.

Their rejection of God means God rejected them.

If Christianity is true, then Judaism is false. 10 points

7. Archeology has effectively demonstrated that the stories of the Exodus and the fall of Jericho as related in the Jewish Scriptures are false.



8. Archeology is an appropriate instrument in determining whether or not God exists.



9. The fact that the Jewish people have suffered so much in their history does not mean they are not God's chosen people because those sufferings may have actually been in the form of birth pangs, meaning God was producing something positive for them through their sufferings.



10. The fact that the Jews repeatedly rejected God throughout their history does not mean God rejected them just like a young lady rejecting a young man's proposal does not mean he has rejected her.



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