
Which of the following agencies does not generally bear

1) One of the technical evaluators on a multi-million dollar source selection just told you that her husband was just offered a job with one of the competing contractors. The job offer was unsolicited, tripled his current salary, and was contingent on the company getting the contract award.

Which administrative remedy should you pursue against this contractor?

a Debar the contractor
b Suspend the contractor
c Fine the contractor
d Sentence the contractor to jail time.

2) Which of the following agencies does not generally bear responsibility for investigating contract fraud?

a Department of State
b Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID)
c Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS)
d Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NIS)
e Air Force Office of Special Investigation (OSI)

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Dissertation: Which of the following agencies does not generally bear
Reference No:- TGS02426143

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