
Which of the following acts authorizes the national nlrb to

This activity contains 22 questions.

Question 1.

Which of the following acts authorizes the National NLRB to decide on a case-by-case basis the "appropriate bargaining unit" of employees for collective bargaining purposes?

o Reapportionment Act

o Davis-bacon Act

o Federal Arbitration Act

o Wagner Act

o Labor-Management Relations Act

Question 2.

When the employer and union cannot agree on the bargaining unit, the ________ decides on the unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining.

o Office of the Federal Register

o General Services Administration

o Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

o National Labor Relations Board

o Office of Advisory Committee Management

Question 3.

The ________ doctrine established the NLRB policy to give weight to employee wishes when determining an appropriate bargaining unit.

o contract bar

o Globe

o community-of-interest

o Mackay

o sovereignty

Question 4.

Which of the following terms best describes a bargaining unit composed exclusively of workers with a specific and recognized skill, such as electricians or plumbers?
o stipulated unit

o remaining unit

o departmental unit

o residual unit

o craft unit

Question 5.

Which of the following terms refers to an on-the-job union representative who carries out the responsibilities of the union in the plant at the departmental level ?

o salt

o cheap rider

o early adopter

o sergeant-at-arms

o steward

Question 6.

In 2005, seven national unions split from the AFL-CIO to form the ________, a new union federation of national unions dedicated to growing their membership through strategic organizational campaign and improving the living standards of workers.

o Utility Workers Union of America

o Change to Win Coalition

o Service Employees International Union

o International Brotherhood of Teamsters

o Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions

Question 7.

Which of the following is TRUE of the practice of salting?

o Salts earn a lower wage than union workers in the same fields.

o Salts are encouraged to seek out companies that are unionized.

o Salts operate only when there are no union jobs available.

o Salts are forbidden from working in nonunion organizations.

o Salts are not always compensated for their activities by the union.

Question 8.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the rights of the employees to solicit union support?

o Employees have no statutory right to use an employer's bulletin board, meeting halls, or mailboxes for any purpose including union solicitation.

o Employees cannot wear union buttons or insignias at the workplace.

o Employees are allowed to distribute union literature at the workplace but during the nonworking times.

o Employees can solicit support for a union from fellow employees at the workplace and during working times.

o A nonemployee can solicit union support on the employer's property irrespective of the availability of the other means.

Question 9.

An employee, a group of employees, or a union representing employees can file a(n) ________ with the NLRB seeking certification of an appropriate unit.

o RC petition

o AC petition

o UD petition

o RD petition

o UC petition

Question 10.

Once a union is certified by a secret-ballot election by the NLRB, its status is binding on the employer for at least ________, during which time the employer must bargain with it.

o five years

o one year

o two years

o six months

o three years

Question 11.

The union has exclusive bargaining rights for all employees within the unit, whether they join the union or not; and it has no rights for those employees outside of the bargaining unit.

o True

o False

Question 12.

The community-of-interest doctrine attempts to quantify, by means of descriptive criteria, when workers should feel that their individual interests are so similar that collective bargaining will be fruitful.

o True

o False

Question 13.

The practice of allowing the addition of new employees and jobs to existing bargaining units provided their work satisfies the same criteria of the original unit is known as "accretion."

o True

o False

Question 14.

Employee groups that are separate from primary production and maintenance units in their job duties can be classified as stipulated units.

o True

o False

Question 15.

In the case of a multiemployer collective bargaining, after the bargaining has begun, an employer may withdraw only with the union's consent or on showing unusual circumstances.

o True

o False

Question 16.

All local unions are affiliated with a national or an international union that in turn is a part of the AFL-CIO or Change to Win.

o True

o False

Question 17.

Typically, employees are allowed to distribute union literature at the workplace during working times.

o True

o False

Question 18.

If employees are allowed access to the bulletin board, the employer cannot censor the material to exclude union solicitation.

o True

o False

Question 19.

An employee can file an RD petition with the NLRB seeking certification of an appropriate unit.

o True

o False

Question 20.

An employer is prohibited from communicating predictions of the effect of unionization on the company if such predictions involve consequences outside the employer's control.

o True

o False

Question 21.

How does NLRB determine that a group of employees is an appropriate bargaining unit for collective bargaining purposes?

Question 22.

Explain salting.

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Business Management: Which of the following acts authorizes the national nlrb to
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