Suppose that we need a filter with the Bode plot shown in Figure(a). We decide to cascade a high pass circuit and a low pass circuit, as shown in Figure. So that the second (i.e., right-hand) circuit looks like an approximate open circuit across the output of the first (i.e., left-hand) circuit, we choose C2 = C1/100.
a. Which of the components form the low pass filter? Which form the high pass filter?
b. Compute the resistances needed to achieve the desired break frequencies, making the approximation that the left-hand circuit has an open-circuit load.
c. Write expressions that can be used to compute the exact transfer function H(f) = Vout/Vin and use MATLAB to produce a Bode magnitude plot for f ranging from 1Hz to 1MHz. The result should be a close approximation to the desired plot shown in Figure (a).