
Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course

1. Question : Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course?

Posting a racist comment in the threads
Typing posts that contain poor grammar, spelling, and no punctuation, requiring others to guess at the meaning
Postings such as this: "Can you use spell-check or proofread, or are you just too stupid?"
All of the above

2. Question : Ethics involves issues of right and wrong, and politically charged issues and ideas; thus, the best way to ensure that my comments are taken in the way I mean them is to _____.

include lots of references to cultural biases and labels - after all, this class is all about how I feel (Please avoid!)
carefully consider my comments, think about how they will affect others who may disagree, and take that into consideration when I word my posts
take everything everyone else says, and try to twist it into something ugly so they look bad and I look good (get really upset and take everything everyone says personally) (Please don't do this.)
sit quietly in the corner (better to stay out of the discussion) (Absolutely not - please get involved and post at least three times per week to each thread.)

3. Question : Posting in the course's threaded discussions is an essential element in our online, asynchronous classroom. Which of the following is not an example of value-adding posting?

Bringing an item that has been researched on the Internet with a quote and website link
Simply bringing an opinion statement to the discussion with a phrase like, "Well, I think" (Unsupported opinion)
Adding wisdom to a discussion from your personal background or expertise
Asking for clarification of the meaning of another student's post
Writing a response to another student's post by name

4. Question : Which of the following is the most appropriate response for a student to post to another student who has posted this:

E-mail the sender of that note.
Let your instructor handle it. (Instructor's responsibility)
Complain to the class in the Q & A Forum Thread.
Post to the offending student what a jerk he or she is.
Ask Student Services to intervene.

5. Question : Choose from the following choices the way in which collegiality is encouraged in our course.

Bringing resources of value into the course through research and proper citation
Students responding directly to the posts of other students by name
Good use of grammar and spelling through careful writing and the use of the spell-check function
Students bringing personal experiences about the topic to the class and adding them to the discussion
All of the above

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Other Subject: Which of the below behaviors are inappropriate in a course
Reference No:- TGS02223852

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