
Which model is the most effective for managing classrooms

Teacher Discipline Plan Assignmen

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Classroom Management Plan

Classroom management can be a major source of frustration and anxiety in new teachers and student teachers. Research tells us that successful classroom management is one of the most important skill sets a teacher can develop. While some veteran teachers may seem to have an instinctive feel for managing a classroom, most teachers need to actively and thoughtfully plan for discipline incidents and for daily procedures and routines.

This project has been divided into three major sections. The first activity provides a basic framework for the development of your classroom management plan. The second activity identifies basic strategies you may find useful in your classroom. These practical ideas are relatively easy to implement and are usually effective. Finally, the third activity provides you with basic tips from classroom experts in your building that they have found effective.

A quick search of the Internet using the key words "effective school discipline" will produce literally thousands of results. Dozens of books-each professing to be the latest, greatest, and most effective method for classroom management-crowd the hundreds of finds produced by teachers who want to share what works best in their own class. Some of these experts-such as Harry Wong, Lee Canter, and Fred Jones-are well-respected and cited in education communities. So who is right? Which model is the most effective for managing classrooms and keeping kids on track? Using both your own training and the ideas of others, determine what tools you can utilize from your knowledge toolkit to design and implement a management plan that works for you.

Just as students function at different levels in reading and math and learn through different modes, they also function at different levels of self-discipline. It is reasonable to expect, then, that each model and each tip provided by a teacher is effective with some students. Recognize that one single model is not effective with every student. Developing a framework of many techniques is one of the most effective ways for ensuring you are prepared for all students. Your plan should be adaptable to the students you see each day.

Classroom management is critical to the effort you exert during the day as a teacher. Teachers with good classroom management techniques find teaching to be energizing and rewarding. Those who are still learning effective classroom management techniques may leave each day tired and worn-out, both physically and emotionally. Equating your effort to a monetary system, we would want to find the most "cost effective" techniques for making classroom management possible-- the ones that takes the least amount of effort (cost) to get the most reaction (effect).

Please complete the following three activities and the quiz.

Alignment: Classroom Management


One of the most cost-effective forms of classroom management is to develop a solid framework that you implement every time you enter the classroom. Effective classroom management skills are essential for success in the classroom. Your framework is a big part of that success. A conceptual framework provides a set of rules and procedures to deter misbehavior, provides direction for dealing with students and situations when misbehavior does happen, and gives the substitute a foundation of accountability.

Using your training and research, develop your comprehensive classroom management plan. It is important that your plan aligns with the district or campus classroom management plan. After your plan is developed, share your plan with your campus administrator and your mentor. Incorporate any feedback into the plan, and after your plan is completed, copy and paste the plan below.

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Dissertation: Which model is the most effective for managing classrooms
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