
Which method you use to cite your sources but they must be

Research Paper

There will be a 2-3 page minimum research paper (typed, double-spaced). The subject may be any managerial accounting/ manufacturing/ production topic covered in the course (for example, cost analysis, quality, budgeting, ethics, inventory management, just in time, value chain, continuous improvement, lean manufacturing, corporate social responsibility, enterprise risk management, job or process costing, ABC costing, variable costing, importance of cost volume profit analysis, capital budgeting, management decisions supported by accounting numbers, etc.). Must utilize and cite AT LEAST one outside source (other than the course text) for the paper. Must include a cover page and a bibliography page which do not count towards the 2-3 page minimum.

Must notify the instructor of the topic in advance by email. If this is part of a previous paper written this must be discussed with the instructor in advance.

Here is some additional information. Pick a topic that interests you related to managerial accounting as mentioned above. Discuss what it is and any background. Then relate this to a company and what they are doing. This can be your own company or an article that counts as a source. Wrap up with your thoughts and opinion about the subject and how well (or not so well) the company is utilizing the concept.

I do not care which method you use to cite your sources but they must be referenced. Try to keep direct quotes to a minimum and discuss the topics in your own words.

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Accounting Basics: Which method you use to cite your sources but they must be
Reference No:- TGS02564430

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