
Which mark the beginning and end of the process


Provide a BPMN diagram of inventory management business processes using the following data for a coffee shop.

Start and end events which mark the beginning and end of the process.

Activities, which represent specific tasks involved in the inventory management process, such as ordering coffee beans, receiving them, storing them, brewing them, and selling them.

Gateways, which control the flow of the process, such as determining if there is enough stock to fulfill an order.

Data objects, which represent data or information used or produced by the process, such as inventory levels, order details, and customer information.

Swim lines, which organize the elements of the process and show the different roles or departments involved, such as store manager, barista, and customer.

Connecting lines, which link the different elements of the process and show the flow of the process.

Labels, which provide additional information about the process.

Exception and error handling, which shows what should happen in case something goes wrong, such as running out of stock or a delay in deliver.

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Other Subject: Which mark the beginning and end of the process
Reference No:- TGS03307237

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