
Which locations are more prone to different kinds of crimes

Assignment: Data Exploration Project

In this project you yet a chance to analyse and explore data or issue of your choice (subject to tutor (not lecturer) approval).

Relevant learning outcomes:

1. Perform exploratory data analysis using a range of visualisation tools;

Details of task:

1. Identify project (Question and data source(s)) and email initial project proposal to your tutor. Wait for approval before proceeding further.

2. Collect data and wrangle it into a suitable form for analysis using whatever tools you like

3. Explore the data to answer your original question and/or to find something interesting using Tableau or R. The exploration should use appropriate visualization and statistical tests.

4. Present your findings to the tutorial class and submit report.

Initial Project Proposal: This should consist of a short text email containing

1. Project title
2. 1-3 questions you wish to answer
3. Data source(s) you plan to use to answer these questions
4. Brief description of the data in each data source (kind of data: mtabular, spatial, network, textual or other, number of records, URL)

Report: The written report should be atleast 15 to 20 pages. It should follow the following format

1. Introduction: Problem description, question and motivation

2. Data Wrangling: Description of the data sources with links if available, the steps in data wrangling including all cleaning/transformations you needed to do. What tools did you use?

3. Data Checking: What checks did you perform on the data, what errors did you find and how did you correct them? What tools did you use?

4. Data Exploration: Description of the data exploration process with details of the statistical tests and visualisations you used and what you discovered. What tools did you use?

5. Conclusion: Summarise what you learnt from the data and how this answered (or didn't) your original question.

6. Reflection: Briefly describe what you learnt in this project and what in hindsight you might have done differently

7. Appropriate references and bibliography

Your written report will be the basis for judging the quality of the data checking, data wrangling and data exploration as well as the degree of difficulty so please include enough information. It should for instance, contain images of visualisations used for exploration and the results of any tests, even if negative.

My Proposal:

Find below the project proposal that I have submitted. There can be changes in questions.

1. Project title:

Crime Analysis over years

2. Questions:

Q1) What are the most common types of crimes and what is the arrest rate?
Q2) Which locations are more prone to different kinds of crimes? Why?
Q3) How have the crime trends been over a period of time?

3. Data source:

It is a huge data set. But I was planning on taking few rows and deleting the rest. It might be a bit difficult for you to download the data. Please let me know in case of issues.

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Computer Engineering: Which locations are more prone to different kinds of crimes
Reference No:- TGS02721906

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