
Which ksao would you consider dropping from the job analysis

Question 1: Based on your review of the mean criticality (importance) ratings for each KSAO, which KSAOs would you consider dropping from the job analysis? Explain why.

Question 2: You know that a key role of this job is driving fire equipment (e.g., fire trucks) to the fire scene. But KSAO D has a fairly low mean and a high standard deviation. Why might this be? Rather than tossing out this KSAO, do you see any problem with the way that the KSAO is currently written and how it might be rewritten?

Question 3: You learn that the city of Jasper collected most of the data for this job analysis from SMEs who are located in urban areas of the city rather than in the more suburban areas. Knowing this, would it affect any of your decisions about which KSAOs to remove from the job analysis? How might the city approach future data collections like this differently?


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Other Management: Which ksao would you consider dropping from the job analysis
Reference No:- TGS03422152

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