1. (1 valor) Which activities are common to all software processes?
2. (1 valor) Explain:
1. The fundamental activities of a waterfall model
2. Pros and cons of adopting a waterfall model
3. (1 valor) Why we need incremental delivery or spiral model to implement a software process?
4. (1 valor) Which activities are part of the design process? What's the result of each activity?
5. (1 valor) Difference between RUP and UML.
6. (1 valor) Why RUP is a iterative process?
7. (1 valor) Which tasks CASE tools are usefull for?
8. (1 valor) Define the concepts:
1. User requirement.
2. System requirement.
3. Why is neccesary to write different requirements at different levels?
9. (1 valor) Why the functional requirements specification should be complete and consistent?
10. (1 valor) Write an example of verifiable requirement for:
1. Relibiality.
2. Perfomance.
3. Space.
4. Portability.
5. Usability.
11. (1 valor) Which kind of problems can arise if requirements are written in natural language?
12. (1 valor) Pros. and cons. of writing requirements with mathematical languages