
Which jobs do you think are the most stressful

Question 1: Which jobs do you think are the most stressful?  The least stressful?  Why do you believe each is more or less stressful?

Question 2: Describe your own personality.  Do you recognize characteristics in yourself that cause you undue anxiety such as perfectionism, obsessiveness, competitiveness, fear of failure, etc.? How do you deal with these anxieties?  Is there a way to channel these personality traits into positive action?

Question 3: Think of one or two situations that have recently occurred in which you felt "stressed out". Was it the situation or your own personality traits that caused the stressful situation?  Analyze if it was worth getting upset about, or if there was another way to react to the event.

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Other Subject: Which jobs do you think are the most stressful
Reference No:- TGS03213230

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