
Which is the youngest hawaiian island from hawaii to kauai


1. Which is the youngest Hawaiian Island (from Hawai'i to Kaua'i)? Which is the oldest Hawaiian Island?

2. Explain what a "hot spot" is and how it is related to the ages of the Hawaiian islands.

3. Describe the seamount (island not yet above sea level) that is to be the newest Hawaiian Island. Specifically, if the seamount is growing through summit eruptions at 2 m (6.5 ft) per year, when (in years), approximately, will it break through the surface of the Pacific Ocean?

4. What is the age of Midway Island?

5. What is the distance from Midway to the active hot spot?

6. Given these values, what is the average speed (in centimeters or inches per year) of the Pacific Plate movement per year over this time frame?

7. Where do you expect to find volcanic activity in the world? Why?

8. Compare effusive and explosive volcanic eruptions. Why are they different? What distinct landforms are
produced by each type? Give an example of each type of eruption.


9. Define the four basic types of faults. How are faults related to earthquakes and seismic activity?

10. Define the terms "epicenter" and "focus" with regards to earthquakes. What is the relationship between an epicenter and the focus of an earthquake?

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Dissertation: Which is the youngest hawaiian island from hawaii to kauai
Reference No:- TGS02475395

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