
Which is the most common method of reproduction in majority

Assignment- How do Organisms Reproduce?

Section- A (MCQ)

1. Variations within a species are most likely a result of:

a) Synapsis and disfunction

b) Over-population and recombination

c) Mutations and sexual reproduction

d) Mitosis and asexual reproduction

2. Which is the most common method of reproduction in majority of fungi and bacteria?

a) Budding b) Spore formation c) Binary fission d) Multiple fission

3. Which of the following is not an artificial method of vegetative propagation?

a) Cutting b) layering c) budding d) grafting

4. A multicellular organism reproducing asexually by regeneration is:

a) Cockroach b) Planaria c) Aspergillus d) Yeast

5. If the pollen is transferred to the stigma of the same flower, it is called:-

a) allogamy b) Autogamy c) double fertilization d) cross-pollination

6. At the time of entering into an ovule, the pollen tube has:-

a) 1 gamete nucleus b) 2 male nuclei c) 3 male nuclei d) 4 male gamete

7. The ability to reproduce is lost in a female after:-

a) fertilisation b) menstruation c) gamete formation d) menopause

8. When the foetus is growing inside the uterus it needs nutrients. Which part provides these nutrients?

a) placenta b) amniotic sac c) oviduct d) uterus

9. the gestation period in human beings is about:-

a) 250 days b) 300 days c) 280 days d) 200 days

10. Gonorrhea is caused by bacterium called:-

a) Nesseria gonorrhea b) Treonema pallidium

c) Lactobacillus d) Streptococcus



1. Mention one physiological advantage of grafting quality roses on a wild rose stock.

2. Give one example of each plant which propagates artificially by (a) cutting, (b) layering

3. Which group of plants shows double fertilization?

4. Name the following:-

i) The tubes which carry spermatozoa out from testes.

ii) The two phases covering the first half and second half of menstrual cycle respectively

5. What are the two possibilities of self- pollination?


6. How does hydra reproduce? Name another organism that reproduces by similar method

7. Why regeneration is considered a method of reproduction?

8. What is regeneration? State a reason why a more complex organism cannot give rise to new individuals through this method.

9. Briefly explain the process of formation of the placenta.

10. How is population size maintained by reproduction?


11. Explain the significance of the conditions in humans in which the testes remain suspended in scrotum outside the abdominal cavity.

12. 'Grafting is a common method of obtaining a superior plant from two different plants.' Explain.

13. Why is the female reproductive system more complex than the male reproductive system?


14. "Variations that confer an advantage to an individual organism only will survive in a population." Justify.

15. Why is it said that 'sexual reproduction promotes diversity of characters in the offsprings'?

16. Why is the number of sperms produced always more than the number of eggs produced?


17. Justify the statement "Primary sex organs control the growth, function and maintenance of secondary sex organs."

18. What causes joining up of stock and scion in grafting? Name one positive trait that the plant contributing scion should have and one positive trait that the plant contributing the stock should have.

19. Justify why the male reproductive is called the 'urinogenital system'

20. In a bisexual flower inspite of the young stamens being removed artificially, the flower produces fruit. Provide a suitable explanation of the above situation.

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Biology: Which is the most common method of reproduction in majority
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