Which is least likely to be represented in a byzantine

Question 1
One result of the Iconoclastic Controversy was
a decline in painted images
a decline in architectural innovation
a decline in mosaics
a decline in sculpture

Question 2
Which is not true of the Christian altar?
it is the site of the Eucharist in the Mass
in most churches it is in the western end
it often supports a crucifix
it was originally a table

Question 3
Christianity was legalized
by the Edict of Milan
in the first century AD
in Jerusalem
by the emperor Caracalla

Question 4
The ivory throne of Maximian was probably used for
royal celebrations
a reliquary casket
a ritual chair
receiving dignitaries

Question 5
The 12 followers of Christ are called the

Question 6
Which is least likely to be represented in a Byzantine mosaic?
outlined figures
repeated poses

Question 7
The Annunciation typically depicts
Mary and Jesus
Mary and Elizabeth
Mary and Gabriel
Mary and Joseph

Question 8
Christ as Pantokrator represents Christ as
ruler of the Church
ruler of the world
ruler of everything
ruler of heaven

Question 9
The vaulted choir of San Vitale contains a representation of
angels with Mary
angels with a lamb
a bust of San Vitale
Bishop Ecclesius

Question 10
Which does not match?
The Marriage at Cana - Mary and Joseph are married
The Transfiguration - Christ is flanked by Moses and Elijah
The Baptism - John baptizes Christ
The Nativity - Christ's birth

Question 11
Byzantine art did not make a strong impact on

Question 12
The components of Byzantine mosaics are
semi-precious jewels
marble squares

Question 13
Typology refers primarily to
prophets and prophecy
genealogical history
Adam and Eve

Question 14
The patron of the Vienna Genesis was probably a
none of the above

Question 15
A significant new architectural feature of Old Saint Peter's was
the nave
the atrium
the clerestory
the transept

Question 16
In the apse mosaics of San Vitale
Theodora is in an abbreviated apse
Justinian is to the left of Christ
Theodora is to the right of Christ
Justinian is next to a baptismal font

Question 17
Which is not a feature of San Vitale?
an ambulatory
an apse
a transept
a narthex

Question 18
A homunculus is
an evil spirit
an imp
a little man
a devil

Question 19
Galla Placidia was
an empress
a charity
Early Christian church
a and b

Question 20
Compared with Roman frescoes and mosaics, Byzantine mosaics are
more three-dimensional
more narrative
more static
more naturalistic

Question 21
The dome of Hagia Sophia is supported by

Question 22
Dura Europos housed
a synagogue
a Christian house
a catacombs
a and b

Question 23
The most important late Byzantine Russian icon painter was

Question 24
The narrative format of the Vienna Genesis has been compared to
the Parthenon frieze
the Column of Trajan
the Ara Pacis
the Arch of Constantine

Question 25
Which best defines an icon?
an image of Christ
a frontal image in a church
any religious image
purely devotional image

Question 26
Which feature of Hagia Sophia was not part of the original design?
the dome
the pendentives
the minarets
the atrium

Question 27
The Holy Family refers to
Joseph, Mary, and Christ
Joseph, Mary, Christ, and God
Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost
Mary, Christ, and God

Question 28
The Roman Basilica was entered from a door in its side but Old Saint Peter's in Rome was entered
in the side of the nave
through the atrium
behind the apse
through its narthex

Question 29
A dome can be supported by
a cylindrical drum
b and c

Question 30
The Iconoclastic Controversy took place in the
7th century
5th century
8th century
6th century

Question 31
The catacombs in Rome were primarily
underground shrines
underground cemeteries
underground sewers
underground meeting places

Question 32
A mandorla is
an oval aureole
a halo around the head of a saint
a Far Eastern chant
the plan of a Hindu temple

Question 33
The Pentateuch refers to
the first 5 books of the New Testament
the 5 hymns to Mithras
the first 5 books of the Old Testament
the Torah

Question 34
Christianity was recognized by Constantine in
the fifth century
the second century
early fourth century
first century BC

Question 35
An iconoclast is literally
one who worships the real person instead of the icon
one who worships icons
one who breaks images
one who believes in icons

Question 36
Christ was crucified around the year
AD 32
AD 35
AD 30
AD 33

Question 37
Deesis refers to an image
God, Mary, and Christ
the Holy Ghost
Christ, Mary, and John the Baptist
the Holy Family

Question 38
Christians worshipped in private homes until
early 3rd century
early 4th century
1st century AD
none of the above

Question 39
The pagan god most often associated with Christ was

Question 40
Ichthus is an acronym for
Jesus Christ Son of Man
Jesus Christ Son of God Savior
Jesus Christ Son of God and Ruler of the Universe
Jesus Christ Savior of the World.

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Dissertation: Which is least likely to be represented in a byzantine
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