Multiple choice questions:
1. Gwen lives in Dijon, France. To her, French wine is the only wine worth drinking, and she would never consider drinking wine from California. Gwen is exhibiting _____.
- stubbornness
- consumer ethnocentrism
- sincerity
- consumer culturalism
- patriotism
2. Which of the following is considered a dimension of brand personality?
- ruggedness
- excitement
- sincerity
- competence
- all of the above
3. Which emotion would be classified under the "arousal" dimension of emotion?
- duty
- distraction
- guilt
- shame
- disgust
4. According to Maslow, all humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction.
5. Need for stimulation is an active, external motive.
6. When considering consumers' ideal levels of performance on attributes when using a multiattribute attitude model, which attitude index is best?
7. Which component of attitude represents one's tendency to respond in a certain manner toward an object or activity?
- cognitive
- affective
- behavioral
- orientation
- personality
8. Which of the following is NOT a factor accounting for inconsistencies between measures of beliefs and feelings and observations of behavior?
- lack of need
- lack of ability
- weakly held beliefs and affect
- failure to consider negative reactions
- failure to consider interpersonal influence
9. Attitude components tend to be _____.
- inconsistent
none of the above
10. For years, American automobiles did not have the level of quality that foreign, particularly Japanese, automobiles had. However, that has changed, and most automobiles built in the United States have comparable or superior quality than imports. Consumers' attitudes are slow to change, however, and marketers must use which strategy to change the cognitive component of consumers' attitudes?
- change beliefs
- shift importance
- add beliefs
- change ideal
- change feelings
11. The source of a communication represents _____.
- "how" a message is communicated
- "who" delivers the message
- the "what" of the message
- the "when" of the message
- the "where" of the message
12. In which type of ad does a person, generally a typical member of the target market, recount his or her successful use of the product, service, or idea?
- single message
- two-sided message
- comparative ad
- testimonial ad
- demonstration
13. Kellogg recently dropped Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps as a celebrity endorser. Kellogg's decision was based on ___________.
the age of the celebrity
- over exposure of the celebrity
- negative behavior involving the celebrity
- a contract dispute
- conflict of interest with another sponsor
14. Advertisements or sales messages in which only one point of view is expressed are referred to as _____.
biased messages
- one-sided messages
- two-sided messages
- utilitarian appeals
- noncomparative ads
15. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion posits two routes to persuasion: direct route and indirect route.
16. Which of the following is a dimension of a consumer's self-concept?
- actual self-concept
- ideal self-concept
- private self-concept
- social self-concept
- all of the above
17. Which type of self-concept emphasizes family, cultural, professional, and social relationships?
- group self-concept
- individual self-concept
- interdependent self-concept
- independent self-concept
- connected self-concept
18. A market researcher asked Adam to place an "X" on one of the seven spaces that are placed between several sets of adjectives that best represents how he sees himself on those two opposite adjectives. This is the most common approach to measuring self-concept and is known as _____.
- semantic differentials
- Likert items
- a 100-point constant-sum scale
- nominal variables
- open-ended questions
19. Consumers in which technology segment are young and established, knowledgeable and confident in their use of new technology, and just a notch down from Wizards in their enthusiasm for technology?
- Seekers
- Techno-Strivers
- Journeymen
- Apprentices
- Media Junkies
20. Which VALS segment of consumers comprises successful, sophisticated, active, take-charge people with high self-esteem and abundant resources and are driven by a mix of motivations?
- Achievers
- Makers
- Innovators
- Thinkers
- Experiencers
21. How many PRIZM segments are there?
22. Which global lifestyle segment values duty, tradition, faith, obedience, and respect for elders?
- Strivers
- Devouts
- Altruists
- Intimates
- Creatives
23. Christina lives in Japan, and she and her friends value adventure, pleasure, and excitement. They are heavy users of electronic media, are fashion conscious, and like going to restaurants, bars, and clubs. To which global lifestyle segment identified by Roper Starch Worldwide do Christina and her friends belong?
- Strivers
- Altruists
- Intimates
- Fun Seekers
- Creatives
24. The technology segment labeled Wizards consists of consumers driven by desire for new technology as a means for improving all aspects of life.
25. In the VALS typology, individuals are classified according to their primary motivations, which are ideals motivation, achievement motivation, or self-expression motivation.