
Which is an advantage for the drive throw coffee shop

i want to make a Drive throw Coffee shop in Riyadh city in Saudi arabia. the business will service esspresso stuff like Starbuck and other coffee shops. Most of people use their private cars, which is an advantage for the drive throw coffee shop. riaydh is the captial of saudi arabia. it has high population. esspresso products are getting popular in saudi and this make the business success.

I will upload sample that i want you to follow it while doing the industry analysis.

I need sources to support the information. i found an article that talk about the coffee shops buinsees in saudi. i also found a report taht talk about saudi situation in general. i hope they will be helpful to supprot the information. these articels will be in comprssed file and will be uploaded as well. i need more sources to support the points through doing the analysis.

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Operation Management: Which is an advantage for the drive throw coffee shop
Reference No:- TGS0994323

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