
Which i have reached and today i am setting another one


Today is My 17th birthday and on this occasion, I have arranged a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. I have invited My family, friends and close ones to share my happiness with them. As we all gather together today I have realized how far I have come. It feels like just a few years back I was celebrating my 7th birthday with them and it struck me hard that I am entering adulthood as well. I am no more allowed to act irresponsibly.

From childhood, I have come this far by defeating my fear, and anxieties, and discovering myself at each step of the journey. Now as a 17-year old I realized that life will become more difficult than it seems. To achieve more and become a successful person, not just as a good career man but also as a good human being I have to understand my duties, I have to live a disciplined life. I the things I achieved, and the things I have failed to perform will take lessons from them, and apply them in my life for making me better every single day.

By Entering adulthood I have also understood that it is not as easy as we think when we are a child. Adulthood comes with its pros and cons. From taking own responsibilities to taking responsibility for others. Mistakes cause bigger damage and also I have to ride an emotional rollercoaster. Freedom comes with lots of responsibility as well, you can go out but you have to take care of yourself. Thinking about all this is making me excited and nervous at the same time.

Though I am thinking about how fast time changes, I know this is the law of nature. Today I am celebrating my 17 birthday, one day I shall become 27 as well. So coming this far seems to be an achievement for me. This all is preparing me to become a grown-up person. The first day of school to soon to be the last day of school every day I see as an achievement of my life and I do not want to stop it. I know I will become a successful person one day, will have my family and will celebrate my birthday again like I am celebrating today. So, all my achievements until today is a milestones for me, which I have reached and today I am setting another one from today which I will achieve for sure.

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