
Which generation was born in the middle of great depression

Complete the mcq:

1 Which of the following describes affirmative action rather than diversity?

Assumes integration


Opportunity focused

Legally driven

2 Diversity in organizations makes good business sense because

diversity is the new trend

diverse organizations have less legal problems

a diverse organization can be helpful when expanding into global markets

diverse organizations are popular

3 Which generation was born in the middle of the Great Depression?

The baby-boom generation

Generation X

Generation Y

The silent generation

4 Which of the following is a characteristic of affirmative action?

Affirmative action is proactive.

Affirmative action is qualitative.

Affirmative action is problem focused.

Affirmative action is externally focused.

5 Which of the following is true?

Diversity is problem focused, while affirmative action is opportunity focused.

Diversity is proactive, while affirmative action is reactive.

Diversity is government initiated, while affirmative action is voluntary.

Diversity is quantitative, while affirmative action is qualitative.

6 To manage diversity, you should replace inflexibility and intolerance with

adaptability and acceptance

fear and distance

care and concern

discipline and segregation

7 The demographics of the United States are changing so dramatically that over the coming decades it will be impossible for employers to fill their ranks with members of the traditional workforce, __________.

white males

white females

males under forty

baby boomers

8 The baby-boom generation

was born in the middle of the Great Depression

does not change jobs frequently

is a computer-literate generation

represents approximately 50 million Americans

9 Hurt more by parental divorce and having witnessed corporate downsizing firsthand, this generation tends to be independent and cynical and does not expect the security of long-term employment.

The baby-boom generation

Generation Y

Generation X

The silent generation

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Other Subject: Which generation was born in the middle of great depression
Reference No:- TGS01854305

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