
Which galaxy is closest to us

Discuss the below:

Q1(a)  An astronomer observes two galaxies A and B which have redshifts of:

Galaxy A = 0.08 and Galaxy B = 0.01

Which galaxy is closest to us and what is its distance waay from us? You may assume that the hubble constant is H_0 = 75 km S^(-1) ?Mpc?^(-1) and the speed of light is c= 3.0 x ?10?^5 km S^(-1).

Choose correct option from the italics or fill in the blanks:

The closest galaxy is Galaxy A / Galaxy B it is at a distance of ____________ Mpc.

(b)Assuming that Galaxy is intrinsically of identical luminosity to Galaxy B. How does its apparent brightness on the night sky compare to that Galaxy B?

Choose corrct option from the italics or fill in the blanks:

Galaxy A is ___________ times fainter / brighter than Galaxy B.

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Physics: Which galaxy is closest to us
Reference No:- TGS01884073

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