Please look at the following videos before you answer the questions.
Video 1: Real focus group footage . the password is stra?sno
Video 2: Footage of interview with Kyle Busch the password is lep!car
1. Explain how the inter-generational model of NASCAR has been threatened by the growing number of single family households. Is this something specific to NASCAR or a more general trend?
2. What is the root cause behind NASCAR's recent disappointment with how Turner has managed NASCAR digital rights? Give examples to illustrate your point.
3. Why has NASCAR failed to develop stars who are highly engaged and valued by consumers? How should they overcome these challenges?
4. Which firms are involved in the creation of a NASCAR event?
5. Is there any noticeable tension among these entities?
6. How does NASCAR make money?
7. What are the pros and cons of NASCAR building the Hispanic market?
8. How does NASCAR compare to other sports in terms of superstars? How can NASCAR build great stars?