
Which factors best explain why google was so successful in

Study Questions: 1. Which factors best explain why Google was so successful in the first place? Were any of these conditions for success put in jeopardy by the decision to launch Google.cn?

2. Was Google right to have entered the Chinese market the way it did? Did Google's mission compel it to create Google.cn? What specifi c aspects of the mission does Google address in making its decision to enter? What otherreasons could there have been for entering China? How do Google's conclusions fi t with its motto, "Don't be Evil"?

3. Where is the success of the Chinese censorship system? In other words, what makes their censorship system work so well? Where does Google fi t in to this system? Has Google worked to improve the situation? What more could it do?

Article: GOOGLE IN CHINA - "The Great Firewall" (By Kristina Wilson, Yaneli Ramos, and Daniel Harvey)

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Marketing Management: Which factors best explain why google was so successful in
Reference No:- TGS02806563

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