
Which experiments did you find most interesting and why

Part I: Learning (Conditioning and Observational Learning)

A. Classical Conditioning:

1. Think about an object, issue etc. that you have a strong emotional response to that was most likely "learned" as a result of Classical Conditioning.

2. Apply the terms Unconditional Stimulus (US), Unconditioned Response (UR), Conditioned Stimulus (CS) and Conditioned Response (CR) in your response.

3. Review Watson's classic study on Conditioned Emotional Responses with Little Albert.What is your response to the experiment? Ethical implications?

The Little Albert Experiment (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address in your browser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hBfnXACsOI

B. Operant Conditioning:

1. Think about your attempts to form good habits or break bad ones, like losing weight, getting more exercise, or smoking cessation. What sort of operant conditioning did you use to help yourself? List the positive and negative reinforcers and/or the positive and negative punishers you used. (Stangor, 2013)

2. Think about a time when you were punished and another time when you were rewarded for doing or not doing something you were supposed to do. Which do you think was more effective in getting you to perform the desired task? Why? (Stangor, 2013)

C. Observational Learning-

1. Watch original footage from Albert Bandura's classic study that explored how role models contribute to children's aggressive behavior.
i. Bobo Doll Experiment--A Study of Aggression (Bandura) (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pr0OTCVtHbU
2. What are your thoughts on the study and its implications for aggression?
3. Other than aggression, how is this study potentially helpful for understanding other behaviors? (Provide a specific example from "everyday life")

Part II: Memory (Strategies, False Memories, Autobiographical Memory & Amnesia)

A. False Memories-Accuracy and Inaccuracy in Memory and Cognition

1. Watch TWO of following videos about Memory Experiments
i. Creating False Memories (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address into your browser:

ii. When Eyes Deceive (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address into your browser:
iii. False Memories--Lost in a Shopping Mall (Lotus) (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQr_IJvYzbA

2. Which experiment(s) did you find most interesting and why? What did you learn about memory that you did not know previously?

3. What are the implications for Eye Witness Testimony?

4. Apply 2 different Cognitive Processes that Pose Threats to Accuracy discussedin the textbook to the experiment that you discussed in part b. and provide specific examples to support your application.

B. Amnesia & Highly Superior (Autobiographical) Memory: Two Extreme Memory Case Studies -Critical Thinking
1. Watch the following video "case studies"

Clive Wearing--The Man with the 30 Second Memory (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmzU47i2xgw

Jill Price--The Woman Who Could Not Forget (ABC--Jill Price) (Open Hyperlink) or cut/paste web address into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoxsMMV538U

2. What is your reaction to the video you selected? What did you learn or confirm as a result of viewing it.

3. Compare and contrast Clive Wearing and Jill Price. Are there any similarities? Please explain

4. How does each one of their conditions affect their lives and their loved ones?

5. In your opinion, what is a potential disadvantage or "downside" to having a highly superior autobiographical memory?

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Other Subject: Which experiments did you find most interesting and why
Reference No:- TGS01112323

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