
Which essay assignment was your favorite


Considering everything we have covered this semester, in this last essay write about your growth as a writer. Provide 2 typed pages of reflection on your own endeavors throughout this course. This assignment is open to your interpretation. As long as you provide an insightful and thoughtful reflection on your time in English, you should receive full credit. This assignment cannot be turned in late and is due on or before the last day of class.

Consider the following while writing:

1. What was the hardest assignment for you to write, personally, and why?
2. What do you think was the most rewarding skill or tool you have learned about writing this semester and why?
3. Which essay assignment was your favorite? Least favorite?
4. What would you like to have spent more time learning/reviewing?
5. What have you learned about yourself not only as a writer but in general?

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