Review the following LinkedIn Learning videos to help you with your assignments in this Unit.
There are two parts to this assignment. Part 1 involves the encryption/decryption scenario below and Part 2 requires research on the classification of ciphers, and popular algorithms.
Part 1
Use a two stage transposition technique to encrypt the following message using the key "Decrypt". Ignore the comma and the period in the message.
Message: "The Transposition cipher technique works by permuting the letters of the plaintext. It is not very secure, but it is great for learning about cryptography."
In a 2 to 3 page summary, discuss the following:
Is it possible to decrypt the message with a different key? Justify your answer.
Do you agree with the statement of the message? Why or why not? Give at least two examples that support your view.
Part 2
Provide a 1 to 2 page
Researched responses to the following:
Research and provide a detailed meaning for at least three techniques in which encryption algorithms can produce ciphertext. Pick at least 3 from the cipher list below:
- Monoialphabetic
- Steganographic
- Polyalphabetic
- Polygraphic
- Route transposition
- Columnar Transposition
- Synchronous Stream
- Asynchronous Stream
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.