1. What is the "pipeline" referred to in the play's title? What are some of the complexities of the issue that the playwright introduces us to in this story? How does presenting the issue through a narrative drama hit differently than if the playwright had written an opinion essay or a persuasive speech?
2. How is this play an example of Realism? Use the criteria for Realism established in Chapter 8 of your textbook to frame your answer. (Be aware that if you draw on other unsourced definitions of realism, you will lose significant points). Relate those criteria to Morisseau's play...
3. But also address the ways in which this play is not realistic. Which moments or elements stray from a strictly realistic presentation? What effect do those non-realistic components have and why might Dominique Morisseau have chosen to include them?
4. Choose a character from the play and describe what motivates them ethically. Make sure to use the concepts and terminology that we have learned this semester in our course modules.