
Which element is not related with turnaround management-



1. (a) Certain changes in the external environments of business organizations demand that managers pay greater attention to the issue of corporate social responsibility. Highlight such changes in the external environments.

(b) The mission statement of an organization should reflect certain fundamental elements. Explain these elements.

2.(a) For an organization to survive profitably, it should establish a successful environmental analysis program based on certain principles. Describe these principles.

(b) In an analytical decision making process, there are certain steps that strategy managers should follow. Highlight these steps.

3.(a) In developing its strategy, an organization needs to determine where it is.To do so, it needs to carry out an internal analysis. Outline the issues that should be considered in such an internal analysis.

(b) The manager, as a corporate entrepreneur, should address certain issues that define the entrepreneurial spirit. Highlight these issues.


1. Which one of these is not related to business definition-?
A The market niches severed
B The functions performed
C Competitor's Strategic
D The product /services provided

2. Which is one of the methods of Growth/Expansion Strategy-?
A Diversification
B Ownership
C Concentric
D Conglomerate

3. Corporate Strategy is concerned to know -
A Market
B Divestment
C Management
D Investment

4. One of these is not the basis of strategic choices
A Business Definition
B Strategic Intent
C Ownership Structure
D Quality of Product/Services

5. Which situation is not to related to improve efficiency of operations during a decline in an organization's financial situations
A Decreased Demand
B Management Problems
C Better Opportunity to Hold Market
D Higher Cost of Raw Material

6. Which is not the type of stability strategy-?
A pause with caution strategy
B profit strategy
C market research strategy
D no change strategy

7. Ansoff's matrix model is related with which type of strategy
A Diversification Strategy
B intensification strategy
C conglomerate strategy
D product oriented strategy

8. Cooperative strategy may be of these types. One of these is not the type of cooperative strategy
A mergers
B acquisition
C joint ventures
D investigate

9. There are four type of international strategy. Which one is not concern with that-?
A global strategy
B multi domestic strategic
C transnational strategic
D crosses culture strategy

10. Which element is not related with turnaround management-?
A changes in the top management
B review of old strategies
C Initial control
D better internal coordination

11.When there is a fit between the goals of the organization and the goals of individuals, this is known as:
a) Goal fit
b) Goal congruence
c) Goal hierarchy fit
d) Goal coordination

12 Which of the following is correct?
a) An organization's structure would be expected to evolve as it grew larger and more diverse
b) Every organization starts out with a simple structure, then moves to a functional structure before becoming divisional zed
c) Network structures are superior to functional ones
d) Organizational performance will suffer if the structure is not stable

13. The shape or format of reporting and decision making relationships canbe defined as the organizational:
a) Span of control
b) Architecture
c) Hierarchy
d) Chain of command

14. The main components of an organization's architecture are structural hierarchy, values and belief systems, contracts and relationships and (two more):
a) Control systems and ways of working
b) Information infrastructure and power structures
c) Control systems and power structures
d) Control systems and information infrastructure

15. A 'vertical architecture' is one which:
a) Has a tall hierarchy
b) Has many layers of management
c) Extends beyond the boundaries of legal ownership
d) Is very bureaucratic

16. Organizational structures and systems can be judged using five dimensions (ABCDE) to assess whether they are achieving an appropriate balance. These five dimensions are Autonomy, Bureaucracy, Cultural Control, and Decentralization:
a) Equal Opportunities
b) Economic Incentives
c) Equality and Diversity
d) Evidence of Learning

17. Employees who work in an autonomous fashion are:
a) Given freedom to make decisions
b) Closely monitored
c) Heavily influenced by organizational culture
d) Motivated by non-financial rewards

18. Bureaucracy is sometimes seen as a negative thing but it has some benefits for organizations. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of bureaucracy?
a) It can make information easier to share
b) It can reduce errors
c) It can increase organizational flexibility
d) It can ensure that stakeholders are treated consistently

19. Successful business relationships tend to:
a) Combine relational contracts - to build trust in the long term - with transactional contracts to cover specific situations
b) Depend upon tightly written legal contracts that take account of every potential problem or issue
c) Rely upon firms being able to trust their employees and partners
d) Be treated as finite games that both partners know will end sooner or later

20. Goffee and Jones use two variables to classify organizational cultures. These are:
a) Sociability and Synergy
b) Cohesion and Synergy
c) Sociability and Solidarity

21. In the value chain, primary activities are:
A Directly involved in the production, marketing and delivery of the product or service
B Those activities that is all undertaken in-house
C Those activities that support the production, marketing and delivery of the product or Service
D Directly involved in the production and delivery of the product or service

22. What will make some organizations more successful, and therefore more likely to survive and prosper, than others?
A Creating cultures and systems in which staff can use their talents
B Creating management systems to ensure high performance from everyone
C Creating superior organizations
D Only recruiting talented people

23. Many schemes that reward employees and managers for something additional to their normal level of performance fail. Why?
A The link between extra pay and achievement is unclear
B They are detrimental to trade union agreements
C PRP is controversial
D Everyone should receive the same

24. As little as 20% of all human performance problems are attributable to individual employees; as much as 80% of all such problems are attributable to the work environments or systems in which employees work. An example of such problems would be:
A Because people are often absent from work
B Because people at work don't perform
C Because low standards of performance are legitimized
D Because of barriers created to reduce performance

25. The timescale for performance appraisals are usually:
A One year
B Quarterly
C monthly.

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Business Management: Which element is not related with turnaround management-
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