Question: Answer the questions and submit to me via Canvas.
1. Economic Terminology
Referencing PowerPoint presentation in the Lesson, define the following terms.
• Invisible Hand
• Capitalism
• Demand Curve
• Benefits of Free Markets
• Limitations of Free Markets
• Socialism
• Negative consequences of Socialism
• Communism
• Negative consequences of Communism
• Business Cycles
2. Economic theory
After reading the articles in the module and conducting additional research, using Word, answer the following questions.
• Classical economists believe in the theory of the invisible hand. True False
• Which economic theory believes in government intervention in the economy?
• How would classical economists deal with unemployment?
• How would Keynesian economists deal with unemployment?
• Which theory would you tend to subscribe to and why?
• What similarities do you see when comparing the theories to Republican and Democratic economic positions?
• Which theory, in your opinion, would the US economy most favor at this time?