
Which dogs obtains ball first and by how much time

Chester and kirby are 2 labrador retrievers who, when they are not eating or thinking about eating, are thinking about tracking the tennis ball into Lake. One day out at lake, their beloved master throws ball clear over lake and just onto other side at water's edge. Here lake is 50 feet wide and waters edges are parallel.

To complicate matters, master didn't throw ball straight across lake but at the angle. In fact ball landed 60 feet downstream. Now Chester is not prone to doing so much thinking when it comes to getting bally so he takes off swimming straight for ball at 5ft/second. Kirby does not spend too much time thinking either but he favours to run. To that end he make decision rather than swim next to Chester, he will swim 50 feet straight across lake and then run 60 feet to ball. Kirby swims at 5 ft/second too but he runs at 20 ft/second. Do given to find which dog gets there first:

Determine Kirby's total time to get ball(Keep in mind he swims 50 feet and runs 60 feet)

Which dogs obtains ball first and by how much time?

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Mathematics: Which dogs obtains ball first and by how much time
Reference No:- TGS0849524

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