Below is a list that captures the way Defiance, Ohio was socially, culturally, and legally organized during the years Evelyn Ryan was a mother of ten. Which detail do you think most affected her day-to-day life and decisions as a woman (i.e., not just a mother, but a woman)? Be sure to explain and defend your response.
1. In Evelyn's time, roughly 1933-1998, in Defiance, Ohio, USA, Evelyn Ryan couldn't have
a. Gotten birth control, even if she wanted to, with or without husband Kelly
i. Not because of religion, but because of the state
b. Gotten a legal abortion, even if she wanted to, with or without husband Kelly
c. Sign or cosign on a mortgage
d. No articulation of alcoholism as a disease, let alone help
2. In Evelyn's time, roughly 1933-1998, in Defiance, Ohio, USA, there were
a. Very weak rape laws
i. Accusers needed a witness
ii. Unless you were a White woman accusing a non-White person
b. No marital rape laws
c. No domestic violence laws
3. Even if Evelyn worked in the public sphere during her time, roughly 1933-1998, in Defiance, Ohio, USA she would have earned roughly 55 cents to the dollar of what a man would earn and many jobs in the public sphere were restricted to women, especially married women
Summarize the kind of paid labor Carolyn Carmichael, Mina Rafsanjani and Joanna Kramer did. You might have to speculate a little about Mina, since she doesn't specifically say what her paid labor actually was, but she does describe her work life (i.e., outside the home).