
Which database table is most frequently loaded - are there

Task 1

The file 2014-09-03_log is a log file from the demo environment of Workable, including all entries for a particular day. You can access this demo environment here: workabledemo

Using this log as input, please answer the following questions.

1. List of URLs that were not found (404 error), including number of times each URL was requested

2. Average time to serve a page

3. Which database table is most frequently loaded?

4. Is any URL redirection taking place?

5. Are there any server errors? Ideas about possible causes?

Some log entries contain the text herokutrouter, while others say applweb.X. Try to figure out why and what is the attribute that can group them together (is there any?). This does not need to be answered but it may prove helpful for the analysis that will take place_

Task 2

You are working for a business that owns two DVD rental stores. Both stores use software to manage the DVD rentals, but the software has no reporting capabilities.

The owner wants to better understand various aspects of his business, and has asked you a few questions.

In order to answer his questions, you will design and execute a few queries on the database of the DVD rental software that is used by the stores (there is one database for both stores). You can view the database schema in attached file

File also contains instructions to download the full database and restore it in a PostgreSQL instance that you will set up.

Please provide the SQL queries that you will use to answer the owner's questions, as well as the actual answers.

Tip: You may receive a few errors on alter table statements when restoring the database, which can be ignored.
Tip: You may find it useful to use the WITH statement.

1. Which customer has made the most rentals at store 2?

2. A customer tried to rent image Princess' from store 1 on 29/0712005 at 3pm but it was sold-out. Would he be able to rent it from store 2 if he had tried?

3. How many customers are active at any given month per year (e_g_ ___, Jun 2005, Jul 2005,___, Jun 2006 etc)? We define active as performing at least one rental during that month?

4. Which film category is the most popular among our customers?

5. Which film is the most popular in category 'Sports'?

6. Are there any other insights that you can gather from the data that would be helpful to the owner of this business?

Task 3

Your objective is to build a small project named MovieData. The application will use the API from The Movie DB .

Use the following API key: bbb0e77b94b09193e6f32d5facTa3b9c or create a new one on the site

The goal of this assignment is to implement an application or script that will retrieve and store movie information.

The application must retrieve a list of the movies currently in theaters in Greece, along with at least the following attributes
- Title
- Description
- Original Title
- List of Directors
- The IMDB link to the profile of each of the directors

All the above information will be stored in a relational database. The data in the database will be updated each time the process runs.
You are free to include any additional features / optimizations that you may find relevant or could showcase your skills but please bear in mind that you should cover the core requirements first before attempting any improvements. Also note that although it may be tempting to use ready-made libraries or gems for querying TMDB we would prefer you to make direct API requests.

Attachment:- Assignment tasks.zip

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Dissertation: Which database table is most frequently loaded - are there
Reference No:- TGS02745062

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