
Which data set will you be working with what is your

Question: Choose a key independent variable, either one given in the data set already, or one you add (this will depend on what data set you choose.

1. Which data set will you be working with?

2. What is your dependent variable and what is your main or key independent variable?

3. What is your research question?

4. Why is it an important question (i.e., why should we care)?

5. Do you think there will be a need to collect additional data? If so, what variable do you have in mind? You do not have to have a full answer to this question yet, but do your best.

6. Based on your research question, what is your hypothesis about the relationship between the main independent variable and the dependent variable?

7. Give your reasons why you have this hypothesis; that is, please try to give your thoughts on the underlying economic theory provides a reason for your hypothesis.

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Dissertation: Which data set will you be working with what is your
Reference No:- TGS02916498

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