Database of a hotel chain caters to upscale business travelers
Members: 1717 members with customer information
Locations: hospitality with 20 city locations (LA, NYC)
Services: 6 types of services (Room, Conference Room, Suite, Banquette, Wedding, Event)
Orders: 9324 orders in 2006 and 2007
Assuming you had a marketing job there in 2008 and the management is interested in these questions:
Q1: Which customers bring us the largest revenue? Where and what do they purchase?
Q2: Suppose the Marketing Team agree that $1 purchase earns 1 point and 100 points is worth $1.
For types of reward, they would welcome your suggestion on whether to hand out:
A) cash;
B) credits toward future purchases; or
C) free upgrade. Explain why.
Q3: Which customers do you plan to target? How?
Attachment:- Membership Reward Program.rar