Which culture shock phase or phases was chagnon experiencing


Anthropologist Chagnon studied the indigenous peoples of Venezuela and Brazil and experienced many phases of culture shock. Life among the Yanomamo is centered on reciprocity and in many cases the Yanomamo thought what's yours is mine, so to speak. That concept is not a typical way of thinking in American culture. In American culture there is an exchange of goods equal in value (such as going to the grocery store and buying your goods not walking out without paying. That's considered stealing in our minds. The Yanomamo were constantly taking his supplies without giving anything in return. For instance, they wanted Chagnon's peanut butter and Chagnon was fed up and told them it was "poop". Then they stopped harassing him for his peanut butter. Which culture shock phase or phases was Chagnon experiencing at that time?

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Biology: Which culture shock phase or phases was chagnon experiencing
Reference No:- TGS03343214

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