Which course of action will your team choose


Provide Justification for a Particular Public Health Decision (Team Decision)

For this step, your discussion team will communicate and decide together the answers to these questions. Your team can discuss and decide using your discussion board or you are welcome to set a time for your team to meet virtually through Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc. Your groups are 3-4 students so hopefully, you can identify a time to have a brief virtual chat each week. If you are not able to meet as a team, please discuss the topic using the discussion board. If your team is utilizing the discussion board to chat, we will be looking for contributions from every team member. One team member should make a final post on behalf of the team to share your team's decision and justification.

a) Which course of action will your team choose?

b) What is the justification for your decision? (Which ethical principles take priority and why?)

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Reference No:- TGS03339058

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