
Which concepts proved to be most helpful to you in planning

Reflective Essay Assignment

The second reflective essay will focus on the implementation of your project for your sponsor. So, the primary focus of this essay is on the project. You will write this paper at the end of your project implementation, so you will have a good sense as to how well your team met its project goals. You will also have a sense about how satisfied your sponsor is with your deliverables and how your project compared to other teams' projects. Accordingly, your paper should include the following.

Introduction: A brief section that lists your sponsoring organization and outlines the project goals and deliverables you contracted with your sponsor. Be very brief.

The Experience: As in essay one, this section should include several incidents that occurred during the planning and implementation phases of your project. You may want to include your "in the moment" reactions to the first time you met your sponsor or the first time you visited their facilities. You may also want to discuss conflict you experienced within your team or with your sponsor. Or, anything else you deem to be a critical incident related to your project. This can be placed in a table as well, if that is easier to create and discuss.

The Generalization: This section should focus on the principles of management related to your project experience. Which concepts proved to be most helpful to you in planning and executing your project? Which proved to be not so helpful? Which principles, practices or tools did you include and why? Which did you not use and why? Be sure to include things related to both process and people. In other words, this section should include aspects of Planning, Organizing and Controlling AND aspects about Power/Influence, Leadership, Motivation and Conflict.

The Application: This section should be oriented toward the future. More specifically, when completing team projects in the future, which management principles or practices will you be sure to use? Not use? How do you anticipate what you have learned about management helping you during your remaining time at Bryant and in your career after Bryant?

Conclusion: A brief summary of the lessons learned for managing a project and creating a high performing team.


The paper should be 3-4 pages in length, 1.5 spacing, 12 point font. A cover page is NOT necessary as long as you have your name on the first page. A bibliography is required, as you should be not only citing the book, but any relevant cases or articles you have read for the course.

Remember to attach to your reflection paper a one paragraph assessment of your in-class contribution to date, using the rubric on the syllabus. You should also include your activity on the Connect/Learn Smart assignments, and anything else important for me to consider as I calculate your Contribution grade.

Notes for the essay :

1) Our projects sponsor is a non-profit organization called NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley which supports highschool students around the area to give better education and help them to get in to college. This project is for 3 months and our goal is to complete an effective fundraising process.

2) The project goals and deliverables which we contracted with our sponsor: creating spread sheets for colleges around Mass and RI, Fundraising for students and the organization , preparing trips to the colleges in the area and supporting the organization with school supplies which we bought .

3) We visit the organization every week for communicating with students and complete our given time limit for our work.( visiting the org. for 20 hours in 3 months)

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Project Management: Which concepts proved to be most helpful to you in planning
Reference No:- TGS02538534

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