
Which comment reflects the staffs feelings about the degree

1-Instead of having the chefs complete an entire? order, the owners change the work flow to an assembly line approach. This process is known as job? _______.

A. enrichment

B. sharing

C. enlargement

D. design

E. rotation

2- Which comment reflects the? staff's feelings about the degree of skill variety dashadimension of the job characteristics modeldash after the changes were implemented at Sweet? Concoction?

A.?"I know? it's just an ice cream? treat, but I felt like I was doing something more. I connected with the customers? more."

B.?"And it? wasn't just seeing the? creation-it was seeing the? customers' faces when? we'd present it to? them."

C.?"Ever since we made the changes around? here, all I do is make? waffles, all day? long..."

D.?"One of the coolest parts of my job was coming up with my own? 'signature creations.'"

E.?"It was kind of fun to see what these different orders looked like when we were finally? done."

3- A staff member notes that he enjoyed seeing what the orders looked like when they were done. Which core job dimension in the job characteristics model most accurately reflects this? sentiment?

A. Task significance

B. Skill variety

C. Autonomy

D. Task identity

E. Autonomy

4- A staff member remarks? that, before the changes were? made, he had appreciated the freedom of being able to come up with his? "signature creations." Which core job dimension in the job characteristics model best describes this? employee's view?

A. Task identity

B. Skill variety

C. Feedback

D. Autonomy

E. Task significance

5- Doug? Raddi, VP of Marketing at? Rudi's Organic? Bakery, discussed motivation as being extrinsic and intrinsic. Which one of the following theories describes motivation as a set of? lower-order needs that are satisfied predominantly? externally, and a set of?higher-order needs that are satisfied? internally?

A. ?MacGregor's Theory X

B.? McClelland's Three-Needs Theory

C.? Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

D.? Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

E. Equity Theory

6- The greatest fallacy about motivation? is:

A. factors other than money can influence motivation

B. money is important but? it's not all about money

C. money does not motivate

D. managers should find other ways to motivate besides money

E. everyone is motivated by money

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Operation Management: Which comment reflects the staffs feelings about the degree
Reference No:- TGS02560301

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