Which clearly communicates required message to your audience


Macropoland is currently experiencing a recession--consumption and investment are very sluggish, and unemployment is quite high at 9%. Currently, inflation is very low at 0.4% (the historical average rate of inflation is about 2%). The Macropolish President has just hired you as her economic advisor. Your job is to prescribe policy that would enable the economy to recover from the recession. Explain how you could use the standard tools of expansionary monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy to stimulate this economy towards economic growth.

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Microeconomics: Which clearly communicates required message to your audience
Reference No:- TGS02116788

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