
Which choice will be the least damaging

Question 1: List the factors bearing on this decision.

Question 2: What (if any) power issues are involved?

Question 3: Which choice will be the least damaging? Justify your decision.

Decision making: conflict and dilemma You are the director of a small Native American health clinic. Other than yourself and a part-time physician your only professional staff members are two registered nurses. The remaining staff members are Native Americans and have been trained by you. Because nurse Bennett a 26-year-old female Bachelor of Science in nursing graduate has had several years of experience working at a large southwestern community health agency she is familiar with many of the patients' problems. She is hardworking and extremely knowledgeable. Occasionally here assertiveness is mistaken for bossiness among the Native American workers. However, everyone respects her judgment. The other RN, nurse Mikiou is a 34-year-old male Native American. He started as a medic in the Persian Gulf War and attended several career ladder external degree programs until he was able to take the RN examination. He does not have a baccalaureate degree. His nursing knowledge is occasionally limited, and he tends to be very casual about performing his duties.

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Reference No:- TGS03440061

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