
Which choice do you think would have more supporting

Act II scene ii, this is where Hamlet interacts with the players and informs them he would like to see "The Murder of Gonzago" with a few added lines to try and catch the conscious of the king. So that he can secretly find out wither or not King Claudius killed his father, and then exact his revenge. Titling the essay Surreptitious Retribution, or

Act III, scene ii, this is when the frame story The Murder of Gonzago begins and Hamlet finds out he is not tormented by the devil. He now knows the Ghost of his father was telling the truth. Titling the essay Concealed Retribution or Camouflaged Retribution.

Should i write about 1 or 2?

Which choice do you think would have more supporting material?

Are those titles stupid? If so can you think of a better one?

is there anything you think will help me writing my essay / close read?

any and all help will be greatly appreciated! thank you for your effort in advance!

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English: Which choice do you think would have more supporting
Reference No:- TGS0827922

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