
Which basis of accounting is used in preparing the

Questions: 1. Which of the following types of governments is always considered to be a primary government for financial reporting purposes?

a. A school district with a separately elected governing body

b. A state university whose board members are appointed by the governor without the approval of the state legislature

c. A town

d. A legally separate public authority or public benefit corporation

2. Which of the following is an example of a "benefit or burden" relationship for purposes of determining whether a primary government is financially accountable for another organization?

a. Primary government is authorized to audit the other organization.

b. Primary government is obligated in some manner for the other organization's debt.

c. Primary government is required to approve the other organization's debt issuances.

d. Primary government is authorized to remove members of the other organization's governing board.

3. Which basis of accounting is used in preparing the budgetary comparison statement?

a. The budgetary basis

b. The accrual basis

c. The modified accrual basis

d. The cash receipts and disbursements basis

4. In fund financial statements, where are the revenues and expenditures (expenses) of governmental-type and proprietary-type funds reported?

a. On different financial statements

b. On the same financial statement

c. On the same financial statement, provided all the funds are major funds

d. On the same financial statement where fiduciary funds are reported

5. Fund financial statements have columns for which of the following?

a. Major funds only, with separate columns for each fund

b. All funds combined in a single column

c. Each major fund plus a column for nonmajor funds combined

d. All funds, with separate columns for each fund

6. Which of the following is an example of required supplementary information?

a. Listing of revenues and expenditures for the current year and 9 previous years

b. Statement of changes in fiduciary net assets for each nonmajor fiduciary fund

c. Combining financial statement of Internal Service Funds

d. Budgetary comparison schedule

7. Which of the following is part of the minimum requirements established by the GASB for general purpose external financial reports?

a. An introductory section

b. Management's discussion and analysis

c. A statistical section

d. A schedule of cash receipts and disbursements for all funds

8. The process of blending is accomplished by reporting a component unit's funds in which manner?

a. In the notes to the primary government's financial statements

b. In a separate column to the left of the primary government's funds

c. As if they were fiduciary funds of the primary government

d. As if they were the funds of the primary government

9. Which of the following situations would be defined as a special item?

a. The amount of a revenue item or an expenditure item increased by at least 10 percent over the previous year.

b. A significant transaction within the control of management is either unusual in nature or infrequent in occurrence.

c. A significant event outside the control of management causes the expenses or expenditures of a fund to exceed its revenues.

d. A vibrant economy causes an entity's tax revenues to rise by an extraordinary amount over the budgetary estimate.

10. Which of the following must be included when an entity issues general purpose financial reports separately from a CAFR?

a. Notes to the financial statements

b. Combining financial statements of nonmajor funds

c. Statistical section

d. Combining statement of blended component units

11. In fund financial statements, where are the categories capital assets, less accumulated depreciation and long-term bonds payable likely to appear?

a. The General Fund, but not an Enterprise Fund

b. An Enterprise Fund, but not a Capital Projects Fund

c. Both an Enterprise Fund and a Capital Projects Fund

d. An Enterprise Fund and a Capital Projects Fund or a Debt Service Fund

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Accounting Basics: Which basis of accounting is used in preparing the
Reference No:- TGS02499077

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