
Which authors are the biggest sellers of books in our

Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric 

The final project for this course is the creation of a database and a report explaining the choices you made in the creation of your database based on the scenario in your final project:


Books'R'Us is a local bookstore that started in 1978 in a small New England town. Books'R'Us has been able to withstand the challenges of larger bookstore chains, as well as the internet giant Amazon.com, by offering new and used books and other products in a comfortable location that includes a café with free WiFi. Books'R'Us recently purchased another local bookstore called Great Books, USA, from an owner who is retiring. Both businesses use a simple bookkeeping system that includes Microsoft Excel.

The owners of Books'R'Us, Tom and Sarah Smith, would like a more efficient way to store inventory data and report on the various business essentials. They are also preparing to offer e-commerce on their website. A consulting firm has recommended capturing information in a database and linking access to the database for each store. Tom and Sarah purchased Microsoft SQL Server to do this. The consulting firm has hired you to complete the database for Books'R'Us. In addition to creating the database, you will provide a report for your supervisor at the consulting firm; this report should describe the rationale for and proposed development of the database.

Imagine that you have interviewed the store owners, Tom and Sarah Smith, and these are the questions with which they are most concerned:

1. How many books are sold each month by the publisher? This is important because quantity discounts are available from the publisher.

2. Which authors are the biggest sellers of books in our stores? This is important because the publisher offers discounts for certain authors each month.

3. What books are associated with each publisher?

4. What are the most popular products besides books that are sold in each store? In addition to books, the stores sell magazines, café-specific products like coffee and pastries, and various gift products.

5. From what region(s) (by ZIP code) do customers visit our stores? This is important because it will assist with future marketing efforts.

6. What customer data must be stored for the e-commerce portion of the website? 

There are total of three deliverables assigned: two milestones and the database and report. The database requires the use of Microsoft SQL.

Prompt: In Module One, submit a project proposal and its overview. Submit this deliverable as a Word document. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone One Rubric found on the following page. The milestone should include the following:

  • Title pageoInclude project title, your name, and date (and other information as you see fit)
  • Overview

o   General description of the project and supporting database 

  • JustificationoWhy would you do this project?oWhat problem will this database solve?

o   What happens if you do not do this project?

  • RequirementsoFor each major feature:

§  Describe it

§  Explain why you need it

  • Design considerationsoIn this section, include:

§All the tables and their relationships. For each table, include:

  • Table name
  • All attributes (field names and their data type)
  • Keys (primary, foreign, etc.)Note: This could be a diagram depicting the listed items as well
  • If appropriate, include a process diagram


Guidelines for Submission: Written components of the project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.

Critical Elements

Exemplary (100%)

Proficient (85%)

Needs Improvement (55%)

Not Evident (0%)


Title Page

All required items are included

Most of the required items are included 

Some of the required items are included 

Fails to provide a title page



A clear and brief description of the database is included 

A description of the database is included 

An ambiguous description of the database is included 

Fails to provide a description of the database 



Clearly and comprehensively defines reasons for creating this database, including a complete cost/benefit analysis of undertaking such a project as well as the ramifications of not doing the project 

Defines all of the main reasons for creating this database. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking such a project are analyzed and discussed

Defines several important reasons for creating this database. Discusses almost exclusively the advantages of undertaking such a project but with little to no analysis of potential disadvantages 

Fails to describe most or all of the reasons for creating this database. Fails to provide detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking such a project



Describes all of the features of the project in great detail. Strong analysis of decision to include some features and exclude others

Describes all of the major features of the project in detail. Describes and explains reasons why some of the features were included but not others

Describes most of the major features of the project, but misses some key features or lacks detail. Contains very little analysis of the decision to include some features but not others 

Fails to describe several or all of the key features of the project. No analysis of the decision to include some features but not others


Design Considerations

Describes, in accurate detail, the platform under which the product will run. Accurately explains the table layout, including an exhaustive list tables, fields, primary keys, foreign keys, and data types. Includes well-designed process or data modeling diagrams to highlight relationships between the tables

Accurately describes the platform under which the project will run. Accurately explains the table layout, listing most of the tables, fields, primary keys, foreign keys, and data types. Includes at least one process or data modeling diagram to highlight

relationships between the tables

Accurately describes the platform under which the project will run. Discusses some of the tables and fields that will be used in the table layout, but misses some detailed information about keys and data types. Data modeling diagram is missing or not fully developed

Fails to accurately describe the platform under which the project will run. Fails to include much or all of the important information that will be used in the table layout. Data modeling diagram is missing






Earned Total


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Basic Computer Science: Which authors are the biggest sellers of books in our
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