Prepare a seminar summary about "the Impact of States Factors on the Success or Failure of Revolution on Arab springs in north Africa" just answer the questions left.
"Assessing the Impact of States Factors on the Success or Failure of Revolution on Arab springs in north Africa" by XXXXXXXX.
Write a summary of the presentation stating what it was about
Graduate assistant XXXX started his presentation by giving a back story of his experiences as a user of social media and how it affects people's behavior. While mentioning his experiences, he stressed the fact that to start a revolution, it is very important to network. he described how the Arab spring started from Tunisia in 2010 spread to Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yamen. Some of the reasons ascribed in summary include youthful populations, authoritarian regimes, economic hardship, social media and its effectiveness in social mobilizations. He also illustrated that the success or the failure of revolutions is dependent on many issues whether the states coercive apparatus using the military and local people or there's an international intervention that controls the movement. In all cases the number of local people that resists and is considered as the main
Highlight at least two issues that were discussed in detail
Which aspect of the presentation did you find most interesting?
What was your take-home message from the overall presentation?