
Which areas of technology would you like to be trained about

Discuss the below:

Training needs analysis

Analyze the training needs issue of an organization called "Wisdom Library" that majors in the selling and lending of books to residents in the city of Chicago. The company has multiple constituent departments and it have earned a high profile over the years. The management has researched about the benefits of automating some of the operations in order to minimize the workloads assigned to the workers on a daily basis. In fact, the strategy would enable customers to quickly avail the services such as quicker booking, reviewing, scanning and easier accessibility once the services are posted online.

The strategy will be implemented by creating an organizational website that will place the booking and selling departments online. Therefore, the company has been faced with the need of training several employees on how to operate the website and how to train users on navigating through the site's features. The training is meant for the company's employees, website administrators and customers. Trainees will be expected to attend training classes which shall be conducted via live seminars and lectures within the organizations' library hall. Interested customers will be trained via live video recordings and tutorials that will be made available for download on the website (www.hr-survey.com, 2015). The questionnaire will include the following questions:

1. Which areas of technology would you like to be trained about?

Database, emailing, networking and operations' monitoring.

i). Please expand more on why you need the module chosen above.

2. Please tell us the advancement you would like in the next training based on the past training experience?

3. What is the best time for you to attend the training classes?
Morning, lunch, afternoon or at night

4. Please give the most convenient day for you to take lessons?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday.

5. Give the factors that would affect you to register the training lessons: location, lecturer, price, program length, training goals?

6. Give us more suggestions on how you would like registration to be handled.

7. What is the best method for conducting the training? Classroom, internet, video

8. Would you accept paying for outside trainers?
Yes, no

9. What is your current job position?

Customer service provider, supervisor, executive, manager

10. Please give your employment basis?

Full time, part time

11. Please give suggestions and recommendations on how well to conduct the training program.

The questionnaire documents will be supplied to every employee within the first week. Every correspondent will be expected to submit it within the following week. It will enable the management to better understand the employees' point of view in relation to the training program. It will additionally make the process of gathering employees' information easier which will in turn give the trainers prior knowledge on how well to handle the lessons (www.nd.gov, 2010).

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Other Subject: Which areas of technology would you like to be trained about
Reference No:- TGS01790245

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